Rich, moist and satisfying vegan toffee brownies that are made even better with the help of of some coconut caramels and a huge serving of vegan smarties.
If you’re in Europe you have probably heard about a new law called GDPR – The General Data Protection Regulation. I spent the last few days trying to change my blog settings, so they are up to date with the new law. It’s been very difficult for me. I updated my privacy policy, but did not include an English version, because I am in Germany and as well as I might speak English, that stuff clearly showed me my limitations.
While I was at it, I tried to update my subscriber lists. And of course I somehow deleted a whole Mailchimp list. (I sent out a confirmation mail. Under the new regulations even old subscribers would have to resubscribe. And most of them didn’t. I only wanted to delete those but ended up deleting the whole address book.) But as if that wouldn’t have been fun enough. I also updated my theme and didn’t think anything about uploading some demo content. Which meant that 17 (!) email alerts were sent to the subscribers of a second list. People who had subscribed to my blog via a plugin here on the site all received emails with subject lines that were mostly about meat and fish. After that I wanted to hide under a rock. I was so embarrassed!
I am deeply sorry this happened and not only did I delete everyone who wished to unsubscribe. I deleted every other contact, too. So now I hope that non of you received an email alert for this post. Or did you?
I created a new subscription form and if you want to receive email alerts about new blog entries, please resubscribe on the right. (If you are using a mobile device, you need to scroll to the bottom of the page.)
These last few days made me think about blogging in general. Bloggers are all expected to be the professional type and there’s not much fun left. I get that privacy policies are important and protecting peoples data is a really good thing. But it’s also pretty hard get all that stuff done yourself. I don’t really understand how to set up MailChimp, I also don’t get a lot of other things and I really don’t have the time to make my blog super professional. I am very glad if I get to post and share new recipes with you though. So here we are.
Vegan Toffee Brownies
My last Brownies were a huge success. But some of my coworkers and readers thought they were too sweet. They told me the recipe could do with half the sugar content. They were right of course! If you don’t care about a crackling top, half the sugar will do. Less fat will do, too! I cut out some of it and replaced the mayonnaise with silken tofu while still enjoying very rich, moist ant satisfying brownies. Then I added some vegan toffees (coconut caramels) and a big serving of vegan smarties. I got both items at a small vegan store here in town, but I am sure you can find them via the internet, too. I hope you enjoy these. Please let me know!
Hallöchen :)
Ich fragte mich gerade, wie die Zartbitterschokolade untergerührt werden soll – geschmolzen oder gehackt?
In dem Original-Brownierezept steht fein gehackt, daher halte ich mich mal daran :)
Habe alle Zutaten gekauft und fange jetzt an zu backen – ich werde berichten!
P.S. Eine Frage noch: Kann man die Smarties auch erst kurz vor Backende draufstreuen? Ich dachte vielleicht geht das auch und dann sind die Smarties vielleicht nicht so gebräunt? Freue mich auf Tipps von der Expertin! :)
Hallo Nina, die Schokolade sollte geschmolzen sein. Sorry, da geht manchmal beim Übersetzen was verloren. Ich schreibe die Rezepte immer zuerst auf Englisch.
Klar, die Smarties am Ende dazutun ist viel besser. Das ist mir erst aufgefallen, als es schon zu spät war:) Viel Spaß beim Backen.
Also es ist ganz wunderbar geworden und hat allen hervorragend geschmeckt :) Werde ich bestimmt mal wieder backen!
Ich hatte übrigens die Schokolade einfach gehackt dazugegeben, hat prima geklappt. Und ich war zu langsam mit den Smarties, habe sie dann nach dem Abkühlen mit je einem Tupfen geschmolzener Schokolade „aufgeklebt“ :) Death by chocolate! So lecker :)
Hey Nina, das freut mich ja nun sehr:)
I think I have received an updated privacy policy from every website I’ve ever been to and every place I’ve ever stayed. Heh.
I guess I didn’t really think about how it would impact bloggers, a lot to go through! But I am grateful to still have your beautiful and delicious recipes.
I also love how there is less sugar in this recipe, but it also has toffee and smarties. ;)
Thank you so much, Susan!
Glad you’re back! And no need to be embarrassed, what’s 17 emails in the days before the GDPR… I’m pretty sure everybody received hundreds of mails, I know I did. It was pretty obvious they were sent by mistake.
Thank you for your kind words, Katja.
Gut, wieder von dir zu hören!
Ja. das mit dem Datenschutz ist so ’ne Sache… Und dann ist so ein Blog wie hier auch noch reines Hobby. Könnten vielleicht auch diejenigen, die sich wegen der Fehler, die einem dann passieren, auch realisieren – auch wenn der Ärger an sich verständlich ist. Kleiner Trost: hier in NL ist’s nicht anders ;-)
Ich betreibe kein Blog, freue mich aber hier wieder was Neues zu lesen! :-) Danke für den neuen Vorschlag. LG Hans
Hallo Hans! Auch gut, wieder von Dir zu hören!
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